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The Shape of Things to Come

EASYTEC’s soft contours ensure that it is comfortable to hold and to use. You may wonder why – after all, EASYTEC is not a handheld enclosure; it is designed to be fitted to a wall or pole and then virtually forgotten. So why the soft curves?

Why not? Why should handheld enclosures have a monopoly on modern ergonomic curves? Why shouldn’t something as important as a sensor housing in a smart factory look and feel good? After all, there are still plenty of flat surfaces for mounting LEDs or antennas – especially if you specify the higher version that offers greater capacity. Both the top and bottom have pillars for installing PCBs, enabling you to maximize the available space. And the enclosures are assembled with Torx screws to prevent tampering.

Yes, EASYTEC is designed first and foremost for IoT/IIoT applications but these versatile little enclosures will find a home in lots of other sectors too – not least medical electronics. That recess in the rear, the ease of mounting, the soft contours and the tamperproof Torx screws make EASYTEC the obvious choice for equipment that needs to be fitted to hospital bedrails. You can also expect to find these enclosures playing their part in environmental technology, control systems, security and monitoring, laboratory technology and IT.

EASYTEC Technical Video

Specify EASYTEC Fully Finished, Ready for your PCBs

Contact OKW for specialist technical advice on EASYTEC and other IoT/IIoT enclosures. Ask us how we can customize your enclosures ready for your electronics. Services available for EASYTEC including CNC machining, lacquering, printing or laser marking of legends and logos, RFI/EMI shielding and installation/assembly.

Don't forget to ask for a free sample!