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Wall-Mounted Touchscreen Enclosures For Building Control

Our SMART-PANEL enclosures take elegant understatement to the next level: they flush-fit into standard-sized cavity wall boxes – leaving just the top to frame a touchscreen. Screwless assembly means there are no visible fixings. They clip together, to be reopened using a pair of special plastic tools available as an accessory.

SMART-PANEL’s creator, Martin Nußberger, of polyform Industrie Design, said: “Only a narrow frame surrounds the user interface, and the base of the enclosure blends in. Nothing is revealed about how this enclosure is screwed on to the wall – no fixing points, no joints.”

These enclosures are the epitome of discreet; they look extremely smart, enhancing your technology and the environment that they occupy. But their subtle design language means your products will never be mistaken for those of a competitor. Especially not if you choose to print a logo on the rear of the glass screen (accessory).

SMART-PANEL is molded from UV-stable ASA+PC-FR – even the flush-mounted areas destined not to see the light of day. That’s because these enclosures can also be specified for desktop electronics. Just add non-slip feet as an accessory.

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