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While FLAT-PACK CASE AND SHELL-TYPE CASES both offer smaller versions that can be carried, held or clipped to a belt or pocket, both models tended to be destined mainly for table tops or walls. But then came DATEC-MOBIL-BOX…

Smart, ergonomic DATEC-MOBIL-BOX was a big step forward – a tough handheld enclosure with optional IP 65 ingress protection. It is designed to house standard LCD modules: an acrylic display window (accessory) helps to protect the display area from dust or water ingress.

Seven different versions give designers a wide range of choice:

  • without display window
  • for LCD Type 2”-LC-Glass Module
  • for LCD Type 2 X 16 Compact
  • for LCD Type 2 X 16 Standard
  • for LCD Type 4 X 16 Standard
  • for LCD Type 2 X 20 Miniature
  • for LCD Types 4 X 20.

Little wonder then that DATEC-MOBIL-BOX remains a firm favourite with designers. Martin Nußberger of polyform Industrie Design hailed the enclosures as “a real space marvel” and “the epitome of space utilization”.