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3. Which Plastic Is Best For Your Application?

Traditionally ABS has been the go-to plastic for electronic enclosures. It’s resilient and dependable. And so for that reason we continue to mold many handheld enclosures models from this durable material. Another popular alternative is infra-red transparent PMMA for remote control applications.

But recent years have seen the growth in popularity of other plastics – such as highly polished ASA which looks and feels great – and offers a high degree of UV stability.

ASA is the standard plastic for wearable BODY-CASE and also for new STYLE-CASE, an elegant solution for hand controllers. (It’s also available in PMMA as standard.) ASA’s glossy finish makes the plastic very easy to clean, making it very popular in the medical and social care fields. For this reason you’ll often find ASA enclosures assembled using tamperproof Torx screws – another key consideration.

Another UV stable plastic is ASA+PC-FR. Adding polycarbonate (PC) to the blend makes these enclosures extra strong. That’s why it’s a standard option for our large CARRYTEC enclosures (which feature an integrated grab handle).

Find out more about the different types of plastics here.

Picture below: CONNECT (left), DATEC-COMPACT (right).